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What Does Python Mean?

Python is a general-purpose, interpreted, high-level programming language popularly used for website development, data analytics and automation.


Python is a general-purpose language which means it is versatile and can be used to program many different types of functions. Because it is an interpreted language, it precludes the need for compiling code before execution and because it is a high-level programming language, Python is able to abstract details from code. In fact, Python focuses so much attention on abstraction that its code can be understood by most novice programmers.

Python code tends to be short and when compared to compiled languages like C and C++, it executes programs slower. Its user-friendliness makes it a popular language for citizen developers working with machine learning algorithms in low-code no-code (LCNC) software applications.

Python has a simply syntax and is known for having a large community that actively contributes to a growing selection of software modules and libraries. Python’s initial development was spearheaded by Guido van Rossum in the late 1980s. Today, Python is managed by the Python Software Foundation.

Techopedia Explains Python

Python offers several frameworks for web development. A Python Web framework is a group of modules and libraries that enable programmers to re-use another developer’s code. This collaborative approach can developers avoid dealing with low-level issues such as protocols, sockets and process/thread management.

Python Frameworks

Here are 10 frameworks that web developers, machine learning teams and data analytics teams should consider when using Python:

Open-source Django is a popular Python web framework that facilitates quick web design and development. Django is a free-to-use framework that enables developers to reuse code to build high-quality web apps and APIs. Django is known for:

  • Helping programmers avoid security blunders.
  • Supporting a data-driven architecture.
  • Moving software from concept to launch quickly.

Pyramid is a compact open-source web framework that works in all supported versions of Python. It offers the essential elements required for online applications including delivering static content and converting URLs to code. Some of Pyramid’s attributes include:

  • Security APIs that support authentication and authorization.
  • A cookiecutter that generates sample Pyramid projects from project templates.
  • Supporting the SQLAlchemy project and using its object-relational mapper (ORM) to interface with databases.

Bottle is a Web Server Gateway Interface (WSGI) micro-web framework for Python that is known for being lightweight and easy to use. Bottle is distributed as a single file module and the default Python library is the only dependency of the framework. It is is a popular framework for building mobile applications and supports:

  • Python versions 2.7 and above.
  • Mako, Jinja2, and Cheetah templates.
  • WSGI-capable HTTP servers, including Bjoern, Google App Engine, fapws3 and CherryPy.
  • URL mapping using condensed syntax.

CherryPy is an object-oriented HTTP framework that supports Apache and Microsoft IIS. Some of CherryPy’s attributes include:

  • A robust configuration system suitable for both developers and deployers.
  • Built-in support for testing, coverage and profiling.
  • Tools for authentication and caching.
  • Flexible plugins.
  • Robust configuration management.

Flask offers more control than its closest competitor, Django, and features support for unit testing. Along with RESTful request-dispatching and WSGI compatibility, Flask is known for:

  • Providing an integrated development server with a debugger.
  • Jinja2 templating (tags, filters, macros, and more).
  • 100% compliance with WSGI 1.0.

Web2py allows developers to create, distribute, debug, test, manage a database and maintain applications. It has no setup files and can operate from a USB disk. Web2py can:

  • Serve as a manual for web developers using the Model View Controller (MVC) paradigm.
  • Automatically fix problems that may result in security risks.
  • Support a database abstraction layer (DAL) that dynamically writes SQL is part of the framework.

Tornado is an open-source asynchronous framework for I/O operations. Tornado is known for supporting applications that require long-lived connections, real-time location services and allowing the integration of authentication and authorization methods from third parties.

BlueBream is a web application framework, server and library for Python programmers that was initially known as Zope 3. BlueBream is known for being durable, reliable and adaptive. It supports reusable software components as well as:

  • WSGI (Web Server Gateway Interface) compatibility for Python.
  • A template-development language that complies with XHTML.
  • A program for creating forms automatically.

Grok is a robust framework for creating dependable and adaptable web applications. It supports DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself) software development and has a quick learning curve. Like other full-stack Python web frameworks, Grok features an intuitive UI (user interface).

Quixote allows Python programmers to quickly create Web-based apps. This framework’s objective is to offer web developers exceptional performance and flexibility for producing HTML with Python code. It is known for its stability and infrequent updates.


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Margaret Rouse

Margaret jest nagradzaną technical writerką, nauczycielką i wykładowczynią. Jest znana z tego, że potrafi w prostych słowach pzybliżyć złożone pojęcia techniczne słuchaczom ze świata biznesu. Od dwudziestu lat jej definicje pojęć z dziedziny IT są publikowane przez Que w encyklopedii terminów technologicznych, a także cytowane w artykułach ukazujących się w New York Times, w magazynie Time, USA Today, ZDNet, a także w magazynach PC i Discovery. Margaret dołączyła do zespołu Techopedii w roku 2011. Margaret lubi pomagać znaleźć wspólny język specjalistom ze świata biznesu i IT. W swojej pracy, jak sama mówi, buduje mosty między tymi dwiema domenami, w ten…