Intelligent Edge

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What Does Intelligent Edge Mean?

Intelligent edge is a term describing a process where data is analyzed and aggregated in a spot close to where it is captured in a network. The intelligent edge, also described as “intelligence at the edge,” has important ramifications for distributed networks including the internet of things (IoT).


Techopedia Explains Intelligent Edge

With an intelligent edge, remote or decentralized nodes of a system are empowered to do different kinds of data handling that may have traditionally been handled at a central point in a system. Specifically with IoT, a classical model of routing all of the many streams of data from IoT-connected devices into a central data warehouse or repository has several distinct disadvantages. It may be inefficient, and, if the data is not encrypted, it can also leave the system inherently more vulnerable.

In an intelligent edge setup, the edge network components or nodes can process the data intelligently, possibly bundling, refining or encrypting it for transit into the data warehouse. This can improve the agility of data-handling systems, as well as their safety. Many cloud providers and other companies knowledgeable about the structure and nature of IoT are recommending the use of an intelligent edge for these reasons.


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Margaret Rouse

Margaret jest nagradzaną technical writerką, nauczycielką i wykładowczynią. Jest znana z tego, że potrafi w prostych słowach pzybliżyć złożone pojęcia techniczne słuchaczom ze świata biznesu. Od dwudziestu lat jej definicje pojęć z dziedziny IT są publikowane przez Que w encyklopedii terminów technologicznych, a także cytowane w artykułach ukazujących się w New York Times, w magazynie Time, USA Today, ZDNet, a także w magazynach PC i Discovery. Margaret dołączyła do zespołu Techopedii w roku 2011. Margaret lubi pomagać znaleźć wspólny język specjalistom ze świata biznesu i IT. W swojej pracy, jak sama mówi, buduje mosty między tymi dwiema domenami, w ten…